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Computing the statistics over the data set

Bar plot matrix


This sections contains a lot of details, but if you read it through you will learn how to create the dataset for visualizing the above bar plot histogram comparison. You will also get a feeling for how you can create your own custom aggregator functions over streams, vectors and bags which is very useful when modeling data.

Creating helper functions

In the file helper_functions.osql you can find a set of helper functions.


Since SA Engine allows you to define your own functions it is always a good idea to create a helper function once you realize that you are writing the same parameterized query over and over.

Statistics vector

The function vstats simply converts the tuple (mean,stdev,min,max,cnt) from stats into a vector.

create function vstats(Bag b) -> Vector
as select [mean,stdev,min,max,cnt]
from Real mean, Real stdev, Real min, Real max, Integer cnt
where (mean,stdev,min,max,cnt) = stats(b);

Get statistics for a class

The function get_stats takes a class number ii and returns a vector where the first element is the provided class number and the second element consists of the stats vector for each variable ("AccX", "AccY", ...) in class CiC_i. So the second element is a vector of NN (5) stats vectors (one for each variable) and each stats vector is on the form [mean,stdev,min,max,count][mean, stdev, min, max, count].

create function get_stats(Number class) -> Vector
/* Get mean stdev min max and count for class `class` */
as [class, aggv(extract(class_stream(class)), #"vstats")];

The function extract() simply extracts elements in a stream one by one as elements in a bag and the function aggv() applies a function over a bag of values. A function object object can be specified with hashtag and function name in quotes, so here #"vstats" refers to the function vstats() we defined above.

Get windowed statistics

The function get_windowed_stats takes a class number and a window size wsizew_{size} and creates statistics vectors for each window of all variables in the class. It returns a vector where the first element is the class number and the second element is a vector of vector of vector where each inner vector statsi,jstats_{i,j} is the statistics for window ii over variable jj. The middle vector has one element for each of the NN (5) observable variables ("AccX", "AccY", ...). And the outer vector has one element per window (see note below for details).

create function get_windowed_stats(Number class, Number window_size, boolean train) -> Vector
/* Get mean stdev min max and count for class `class` */
as select [class, (
select vector of aggv(in(v),#"vstats")
from vector of Vector v
where v in winagg(class_stream(class,train), window_size, window_size))];

The output format

"AccX"       "AccY"            "pwm"
[class, [ [stats_{1,1}, stats_{1,2}, ..., stats_{1,N}], // window 1
[stats_{2,1}, stats_{2,2}, ..., stats_{2,N}], // window 2
... ] ] // ...

So, for example, to get the mean of the variable "AccZ" from the fifth window you would index the result as follows:

┌─── Stats are stored in the 2nd element.
│ ┌─── 5th window.
│ │ ┌─── "AccZ" is the 3rd variable.
│ │ │ ┌─── Mean is 1st element in the stats vector.
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

Add windows stats to stored function

The function add_windowed_1024_stats takes the result from a call to get_windowed_stats and fills the stored function windowed_stats_1024 with the data.

create function add_windowed_1024_stats(Vector input) -> number
as { declare Integer i, Number class, Vector of Vector of Vector of Number data;
set i = 0;
set class = input[1];
set data = input[2];
for each Vector of Vector of Number v where v in data {
set windowed_stats_1024(i,class) = v;
set i = i+1;
return i;

When the stored function windowed_stats_1024 is filled with data you can query it with a class number and window index to get the stats vectors of all variables for that window. The result format is a vector with N (5) stats vectors, one for each variable ("AccX", "AccY", ...).

Creating histograms


as of version 4.4 there is a built in function histogram which is highly optimized for these types of applications. View the following example implementation of histogram_stream as an example of what you can do with higher order functions such as aggregate.

Below you can find the OSQL code for creating histograms for a Stream of Number. The function histogram_stream uses the second order function aggregate:

> signature(apropos("aggregate"));
"aggregate(Bag b,Object e0,Function f)->Object"
"aggregate(Stream s,Object e0,Function f)->Stream"
"aggregate(Stream s,Object e0,Charstring fn)->Stream"
"aggregate(Vector v,Object e0,Function f)->Object"
"aggregate(Vector v,Object e0,Charstring fn)->Object"
"aggregate(Bag b,Object e0,Charstring fn)->Object"

Aggregate takes a collection of values (Vector, Bag, or Stream) VV an initial value V0V_0 and a function fnfn and calculates:

Vi=fn(Vi1,Vi)V_i = fn(V_{i-1} , V_i)

If VV is a bag or vector then the final ViV_i is returned. If

The function histogram_stream uses bin_vector to create a so called "one-hot" vector of size szsz where all elements are 0 except for the element ii where

create function bin_vector(Real x, Real lo, Real hi, Integer bins) -> Vector of Number
/* Create a one hot vector where the bin for x in the histogram is 1. All other indices
are zero. */
as select one_hot(bins,i)
from Integer i
where i = bins*(x-lo)/(hi - lo)+1;

create function histogram_stream(Stream of Number s, Number lo, Number hi, Number bins)
-> Stream of Vector of Integer
/* Running count of elements in `s` being in intervals in `b` */
as aggregate(bin_vector(s, lo,hi,bins), zeros(bins), '+');

Calculate histogram for a class and variable

The function calc_histogram takes a class, minimum and maximum values of the variable and the number of bins you wish to split the histogram up in and returns a vector where the first element is the class and the second element is the histogram for the variable in that class:

create function calc_histogram(Number class, Number min, Number max, Number bins) -> Vector
as [class, histogram(extract(class_stream(class)), min,max,bins)];

If you recall the function get_stats it returns a vector where the first element is the class number CiC_i for the stats and the second element is a vector of vector statsstats where the statsk=[meank,stdevk,mink,maxk,cntk]stats_k = [mean_k, stdev_k, min_k, max_k, cnt_k] for variable kk.

Using a federation to parallelize the computation

Since we are working with quite a large data set we can speed up the computations by utilizing parallelism. If you are running this in SA Studio Desktop be sure to go over to Device hub and start a local federation before continuing.

If you are using SA Engine from the command line terminal you can start by issuing the following command


Starting a set of peers for parallel processing

Now that we have a federation up and running we can start 4 servers to utilize for parallel processing. This is done using the start_engine function:

/* Start 4 servers to allow for some parallel processing */
Not connected

To run this code block you must be logged in and your studio instance must be started.

The above command will start 4 SAS (SA Engine Servers) connected to the federation. Once they are started we want to load this model on each one:

/* Make sure all new servers have loaded the model */
Not connected

To run this code block you must be logged in and your studio instance must be started.


The function ship() sends a query string to a peer for evaluation and gets back the result.

Multicast receive

The function multicastreceive takes a vector of peers PP a function fnfn and a vector of arguments argsargs and for each peer PiP_i collect the results of calling


If you recall the function get_stats it returns a vector where the first element is the class CiC_i for the stats and the second element is a vector of vector statsstats where the statsk=[meank,stdevk,mink,maxk,cntk]stats_k = [mean_k, stdev_k, min_k, max_k, cnt_k] for variable kk.

The query below will split the workload of calculating the stats for each class on a separate server and then add the result to the stored function stored_stats.

select setfunction("stored_stats", [class,i],[data[i]])
from Vector v, Number class, Number i, Vector data
where v in multicastreceive(vectorof("s"+iota(1,4)),'get_stats',(
select vector of [class,true]
from Number class
where class in iota(1,4)))
and class = v[1]
and data = v[2];

select class_name(class),label(i),stored_stats(class,i)
from Number class, Number i
order by class, i asc;
Not connected

To run this code block you must be logged in and your studio instance must be started.


The function setfunction(fn,args,res) is the same as setting values in a stored function using set fn(args) = res.

The same method is used for calculating histograms. This time we use all of our 4 servers to let them calculate the histogram from one of the variables on one of the datasets.

select setfunction("stored_histogram", [class,i],[data[i]])
from Vector v, Number class, Number i, Vector data
where v in multicastreceive(vectorof("s"+iota(1,4)),
and class = v[1]
and data = v[2];
Not connected

To run this code block you must be logged in and your studio instance must be started.

Finally we fill our stored stats functions in the same way as before, using multicast to parallelize the computation and then updating the local database with the result.

select add_windowed_1024_stats(v)
from vector v
where v in multicastreceive(vectorof("s"+range(4)),
select vector of [class,1024,true]
from Number class
where class in range(4)));
Not connected

To run this code block you must be logged in and your studio instance must be started.

If you wish to unload the data of your stored functions into a JSON file:
