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Looking at the dataformat.

The data we got is on a JSON-format. Which we can read into SA Engine using the json:file_stream function. However if we look at the data everything is in on large JSON-object. On a PC we can easily load the whole JSON object into main memory but it will cause a large overhead and it is not applicable for smaller edge devices. We can do that by reading in the JSON-Object once and then writing the values to a file in a more stream friendly manner. But first let us look at the JSON-Object structure.

"protected": {"ver": "v1", "alg": "HS256", "iat": 1614325643.0206501},
"signature": "xxx",
"payload": {
"device_name": "IMU3+PWM+Tach",
"device_type": "Smartfan",
"interval_ms": 1.25,
"sensors": [{"name": "accX", "units": "dig"}, {"name": "accY", "units": "dig"},
{"name": "accZ", "units": "dig"}, {"name": "tach", "units": "dig"},
{"name": "pwm", "units": "dig"}],
"values": [[...],...] <- 96 MB of readings.

If you look at the JSON-Object the observable variables information is under payload->sensors while the readings are under payload->values.

Converting data


If you are running these examples you need to set data_file_path() to the full path of the folder containing the .json files:

set data_file_path() = "<PATH-TO-FOLDER-WITH-.JSON-FILES>";
select json:write_file(output_file, vstream(sensor_values))
from Charstring file,
Record data_object,
Vector of Vector sensor_values,
Charstring output_file
where some(data_file_path())
and file in dir(data_file_path())
and notany(like(file,"*streamed*"))
and data_object in json:file_stream(data_file_path()+file)
and sensor_values = data_object["payload","values"]
and output_file = data_file_path()+"streamed_"+file
Not connected

To run this code block you must be logged in and your studio instance must be started.

Once the above query is done you will have a set of new files beginning with streamed containing the sensor-readings in a JSON format more suitable for streaming.