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Create a meta data model for the dataset.

Before we start working with the data it is always a good idea to set up some metadata about the dataset. This section will go through the OSQL inside metadata.osql and walk you through each function definition in it.


his section has a lot of details in it. What it goes through is the definition of utility functions for this work flow. If you are OK with not knowing 100% of all the details and want to get to the results faster you can skip this page.

Class name

First off it's usually beneficial to create a function that maps from a number to class name. This way it's easy to represent the classes on a nominal scale. The function class_name does just that.

create function class_name(Number i) -> Charstring
/* Function that stores the class name for class `i` */
as stored;

create function class_index(Charstring class) -> Number
/* Convencience function, inverse of class name */
as inverse of class_name;


Just as it's convenient to be able to represent a class as a number it is also convenient to represent each observable variable ("AccX", "AccY", "AccZ", "Tach", "pwm") with its index in the data. The function label stores the name of the variable on the i:th index in every datapoint.

create function label(Number i) -> Charstring
/* Function that stores the label for dimension `i` */
as stored;

Class file

To avoid having to type each file in full when working a nice function to have is one that maps a class number to the set of files containing that class. If several files are used you can sample x number of files from it for training and use the rest for testing etc. as well.

create function class_file(Number i) -> Bag of Charstring
/* Function to store file name for class `i` */
as stored;

create function test_class_file(Number i) -> Bag of Charstring
/* Functio nto store file name for test data of class `i` */
as stored;

Stored stats

This function will be used to store statistics about each variable for each class. Each statistics vector will contain [mean, standard deviation, min, max, cnt].

create function stored_stats(Number class, Number variable_index) -> Vector of Number;

So, for example, to get the standard deviation of the z-acceleration of the "obstructed" class you would access stored_stats(4,3)[2] since the "obstructed" class has index 4 (see values below), the z-acceleration variable has index 3, and standard deviation is the second element in the stored vector.

Class stream

This function will essentially create a stream of all data points of a class given the class number

create function class_stream(Number class) -> Stream of Vector of Number
as json:file_stream(data_file_path()+class_file(class));

create function test_stream(Number class) -> Stream of Vector of Number
as json:file_stream(data_file_path()+test_class_file(class));

create function class_stream(Number class, boolean train) -> Stream of Vector of Number
as case when train then class_stream(class)
else test_stream(class) end;

Added the meta data to the model.

Finally now that that we have our first meta-data models let's fill the functions with some data:

set class_name(1) = "low_voltage";
set class_name(2) = "normal";
set class_name(3) = "object";
set class_name(4) = "obstructed";

set label(1) = "AccX";
set label(2) = "AccY";
set label(3) = "AccZ";
set label(4) = "Tach";
set label(5) = "pwm";

add class_file(1) = "streamed_fan_low_voltage_training_odr800.1vacjopm.json";
add class_file(2) = "streamed_fan_normal_training_odr800.1vace6rv.json";
add class_file(3) = "streamed_fan_object_training_odr800.1vbsq976.json";
add class_file(4) = "streamed_fan_obstructed_training_odr800.1vac7vl7.json";

add test_class_file(1) = "streamed_fan_low_voltage_test_odr800.1vb9j096.json";
add test_class_file(2) = "streamed_fan_normal_test_odr800.1vce2061.json";
add test_class_file(3) = "streamed_fan_object_test_odr800.1vb9fued.json";
add test_class_file(4) = "streamed_fan_obstructed_test_odr800.1vb9ajnj.json";

Windows statistics

The windowed_stats_1024 function will keep record of windowed statistics for each variable in each class (1024 is the window size):

create function windowed_stats_1024(Integer window_index, Integer class) -> Vector of Vector of Number
as stored;

For example, a call to windowed_stats_1024(i,j) will return the stats for window WiW_i in class CjC_j. The returned stats will be N (5) stats vectors, one for each observable variable ("AccX", "AccY", ...), where each stats vector contains the statistics (mean, standard deviation, min, max, cnt) for the window over that variable.

A few final convenience functions

As a final convenience we create a bunch for functions that will give us vectors of the files, class names an labels ordered on the number identifying each file/class/label.

We also add a function called tagger which will come in handy when looking at the raw data. It simply transforms a stream of x into a stream of [tag,x]. This one will come in handy in the next section.

/* Utility functions for the visualization */
create function vclass_names() -> Vector of Charstring
as select vector of class_name(i)
from Number i
order by i asc;

create function vlabels() -> Vector of Charstring
as select vector of label(i)
from Number i
order by i asc;

create function vfiles() -> Vector of charstring
as select vector of class_file(i)
from Number i
order by i asc;

create function tagger(Object tag, Stream s) -> Stream of Vector
as select stream of [tag,x]
from Object x
where x in s;

create function concat_tagger(Object tag, Stream s) -> Stream
as select stream of concat([tag],x)
from Vector x
where x in s;