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Detached analytics on edge devices

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In this section you will learn how to run edge queries in store and forward (SNF) mode. When running in SNF mode an edge device doesn't need to be connected to the server at all times. It will buffer up locally to a configurable number of elements over a configurable time period. When the time period expires it will attempt to connect to the server and try to forward these values through a configurable function on the server.

In addition, store and forward can be configured to never send streams to the server allowing for a fully detached execution of queries.

To understand SNF you will now learn how to configure an edge device to run edge queries on start.


This section assumes that you have at least one edge named edge1 connected.

Configuring store and forward

Store and forward has the following configurable options:

  • store-and-forward (Required) - Name of the registered store and forward query, which is used for identifying the task for accessing data and for stopping the query.

  • store-and-forward-interval - Number of Seconds between each forward attempt north to the SAS where the edge is registered. If not set then edge will attempt to forward once buffer-size/2 elements are buffered.

  • buffer-size (Default 1000) - Maximum number of elements to buffer between each forward attempt. If the stream produces more than buffer-size elements with the store-and-forward-interval the oldest values will be dropped. If store-and-forward-interval is not set edge will attempt to forward elements once buffer-size/2 elements are buffered.

  • store-and-forward-storefn (Default stream.charstring.charstring.record.snf_publish_storer->boolean) - The OSQL function to call in the server when requesting pending stored data from the edge.

  • store-and-forward-params - Optional record with further parameters to the store-and-forward-storefn.

  • store-and-forward-local - true or false, when true the edge will never try to forward streams to the server, i.e. it will only run in the background locally. When set, only the store-and-forward option has any effect.

These options are set in a record as the third argument to edge_cq. For example, the following query declares a record that will start an SNF named forward1, which uploads data every third second and stores up to 100 elements

set :forward1 = {
"store-and-forward": "forward1",
"store-and-forward-interval": 3,
"buffer-size": 100
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We can use :forward1 as SNF parameter opts to edge_cq(edge,cq,opts). For example, the following SNF query will start simstream(1) and store up to 100 elements before sending them north every 3 seconds:


Unlike the regular behavior of edge_cq(), results from a store-and-forward query will not be visible until you subscribe to it. How to do this is described in the next section.

edge_cq("edge1","select simstream(1) limit 1000", :forward1);
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Access data from store and forward.

By default store and forward will simply publish the data on a server-side subscription with the name <edgeid>-SNF-<store-and-forward-name> in all uppercase. Let's look at the data coming from our store and forward query:

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The following CQ views the stream in real-time from the SAS:

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The following query returns all queries currently running on edge1

select r["requests"]
from Record r
where r in edge_status()
and r["id"]="EDGE1"
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You can stop an edge CQ using cancel_edge_cq():

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Now look at the running queries again:

select r["requests"]
from Record r
where r in edge_status()
and r["id"]="EDGE1"
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Changing the function used to forward the data to the server

By default the SNF publisher does not persist the data forwarded to the server. It is possible to create a CQ that runs a stream, does some analytics over it, and finally stores the resulted events in an stored OSQL function. However, usually you just want to save the data on disk in a log file, or forward it on a Kafka or MQTT topic. To control what to do with the output events from a CQ running as SNF, you can specify a storer function via the store-and-forward-storefn property. A storer function snf must have the signature snf(Stream s,Charstring edgeid, Charstring flowname, Record params)->Object. The result is ignored; the storer function is a sink.


Look at the source code for the function named snf_publish_storer

Using the built-in CSV storer function

Let's try using the built-in CSV storer function. Start by creating a new option record:

set :forward2 = {
"store-and-forward": "forward2",
"store-and-forward-interval": 3,
"store-and-forward-storefn": "snf_csv_storer",
"buffer-size": 100
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When using the CSV storer function each forward from the edge will create a file under sa_home()+"/logs/snf/<EDGE-ID> for each forward from the edge. To get the folder for edge1 run:

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There is also a utility function where you can get all available files using get_snf_files:

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Let's start a store and forward with the CSV storer function:

edge_cq("edge1","select simstream(0.3) limit 1000", :forward2);
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After a few seconds you should start getting some files from the following call:

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Each forward is tagged with a time stamp at the end of the filename. To view the entire store and forward log for forward2 on edge1 run:

select vector of x
from Vector x
where x in get_snf_log("edge1","forward2");
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As before you can cancel the store and forward query using cancel_edge_cq:

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Local store and forward

Sometimes it is desirable to run a query that never tries to forward the data to a server. You might have a sink on the edge that will take care of the data streams by storing them locally, sending them in a queue to other programs or simply discards the output if your query updates the local edge database.

Since you can always register a sink function that handles the output of a CQ as the result of the query itself a local SNF query does not need a storer function. However, you do need to add a field store-and-forward-local to your options record. This option will tell the edge to run this query and simply throw away the result. If you wish to save the result to disk as a log file you can use functions like csv:write_file() or json:write_file() as a sink in the query to store the result.

A local store and forward example

Start by creating a new option-record; now we only set the store-and-forward identifier and set store-and-forward-local to true:

set :localForward = {
"store-and-forward": "local-forward1",
"store-and-forward-local": true
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As an example, we produce a data flow named my-flow by a publish sink for the edge query simstream(0.02) with SNF options :localForward:

edge_cq("edge1", "select publish(simstream(0.02),'my-flow') limit 10000",
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On the SAS we can now subscribe to the published flow my-flow from edge1 by using subscribe(Charstring edge, Charstring flow):

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As usual you can use cancel_edge_cq to stop it:

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Persistent edge queries

By now you have learned how to run regular edge queries with SNF. This section describes how to create persistent edge queries that run autonomously. Persistent edge queries are defined using the OSQL type EdgeQuery. All instances of type EdgeQuery are always started when an edge listener is started.

The type EdgeQuery has the propeties:

create type EdgeQuery;
create function name(EdgeQuery eq) -> Charstring key as stored;
create function statement(EdgeQuery eq) -> Charstring as stored;
create function options(EdgeQuery eq) -> Record as stored;

As the function names name, statement, and options suggest, the properties of EdgeQuery are very similar to the arguments of edge_cq. The main difference is that the property name is essentially the id of the query when it runs autonomously on the edge.

When an edge starts it will go through all instances of EdgeQuery and start them. If you dynamically create more EdgeQuery objects during an interactive session they will be used at the next edge restart. You can activate a persistent edge query eq by calling run_stored_edge_query(eq).

Documentation of properties of the type Edgequery:

select mddoc(f)
from Function f
where f in methods(typenamed("Edgequery"))
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You can cancel a persistent edge query as usual with cancel_edge_cq(). However if you do not want the query to run again on the next restart of the edge you will have to update and save the local database to remove the instance of EdgeQuery.