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Data stream wrappers

A meta-data model (or ontology) is a database describing properties of a particular kind of data. The sa.engine system has a built in sensor meta-data model called the sensor ontology that describes properties common to all kinds of sensors.

Sensor data sources continuously produce raw data streams. A raw data stream consists of raw data stream objects generated over time as sensors produce new measurements (observations) of its physical environment. A raw data stream object is a data structure holding one or several measured variable values called signals.

The OSQL type Signal represents data streams extracted from a raw data stream source. A signal stream can be seen as a variable V that continuously gets new values VtV_t over time t. Each signal object s has the following general meta-data properties:

  • name(s): The signal's name; i.e. the name of the variable it represents, e.g. 'temperature'. Signal names are unique.

  • doc(s): Documentation of the signal.

  • options(s): Additional descriptions of the signal represented as a record (JSON object).

  • signal_stream(s): A stream of objects of measurements from the signal.

  • ts_signal_stream(s): A stream of timestamped objects of measurements from the signal.

A data stream wrapper is a meta-model (ontology) representing properties of a particular kind of sensor data source. A data stream wrapper maps raw data streams into meaningful signal streams. The models are defined by OSQL types and functions.

For example, the CANBUS interface standard is commonly used for extracting different kinds of data streams from vehicles and machinery. In this tutorial we will show how to define a CANBUS wrapper describing streams produced by a CANBUS interface for a particular kind of equipment.

The signals defined in a particular data stream wrapper are defined as subtypes of type Signal. For example, CANBUS signals are described by objects of type Can:signal under type Signal.

The CANBUS wrapper

Data sources based on the CANBUS interface standard produce raw data streams of CANBUS frames represented as vectors [ts, cid, fid, pl] where:

  • ts is a time stamp for the frame.

  • cid is an integer CANBUS identifier for the CANBUS interface on the device producing the frame. There may be several such interfaces enumerated from 0 and up.

  • fid is an integer frame identifier. The frame identifier uniquely identifies frames per CANBUS interface. The same fid can represent different measurements in different CANBUS interfaces.

  • pl is the payload of the frame. It contains values of one or several measurements (i.e. signals) produced by the frame. The payload is represented as an 8-byte binary field. A single payload may contain values of several signals packed into the same 8-byte field.

Load the CANBUS wrapper into the database by loading the CANBUS system model.

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The CANBUS wrapper includes a CANBUS simulator function can:simulated_bus() that produces a random raw CANBUS stream at a predefined pace of 10HZ.

Lets take a look at the function:

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The output looks like this:

select Stream of [now(), rand(2), rand(10), hex(binary(rand(1000)))]
from Integer i
where i in heartbeat(can:pace());
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Meta-data for signals from CANBUS data sources are represented as objects of type Can:signal. The following functions are defined for describing CANBUS signals in addition to the properties of its super-type Signal:

  • cid(s) is the CANBUS interface identifier used for producing the raw CANBUS stream where signal s is extracted.

  • fid(s) is the identifier of the CANBUS frame whose payload is producing values of s.

  • decoder(s) in an OSQL function dec(pl,param) used for computing the signal's value from the frame's payload pl and an optional parameter param stored in params(s).

To describe a particular CANBUS data source on some device you have to create new objects of type Can:signal and set the values of its properties. This is done with the create Can:signal statement.


create Can:signal(name, doc, cid, fid, decoder) instances
('s', 'Speed of vehicle', 1, 3, #'can:whole');
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The notation #'can:whole' represents the unique function named can:whole. An error is raised if no such function exists.

Now we can observe how the signal varies over time based on the simulated CANBUS stream:

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How do you get the corresponding non-timestamped stream?


If there are errors in your code you can use the rollback command to undo all database updates so far in the session. Then you can correct and re-run the model definitions. However, in the free web based SA Studio Community Edition you must first issue the call autocommit(false) to enable rollback (see Undo changes).

You can define several CANBUS signals with the same create Can:signal statement.


create Can:signal(name, doc, cid, fid, decoder, params) instances
('t', 'Engine temperature', 0, 2, #'can:unpack', 'i06'),
('p', 'Engine pressure', 0, 2, #'can:unpack', 'z06u08');
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The decoder function can_unpack(pl,f) extract a signal's value from payload pl according to format f. For example, format 'i06' means that the value is an signed integer occupying 6 bits, while 'z06u08 picks bits 7-15 as an unsigned integer.

The function can:signal_bus(sigs) returns for a given names sigs a stream of vectors [ts,ns,v] where v is the measured value of a signal named ns in sigs at time ts.


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We call this kind of stream of time stamped signals with corresponding values a bus stream.

You can also get a signal stream as a stream of vectors of the latest values of signals t, p, and s by the query:

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A time stamped signal stream is produced by:

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To find the names of all signals in your model call:

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The default source of the CANBUS wrapper is defined as the function can:simulated_bus that simulates the raw CANBUS stream. You can change it by resetting the value of function bus(wt) for the signal type Can:signal.


set bus(typenamed('Can:signal')) = #'can:my_simulated_bus';

Here the function can:my_simulated_bus()->Vector can implement, e.g. an interface to a customized CANBUS interface.


Make your own my_simulated_bus to fit your application and assign as source to "Can:signal".

Read the CANBUS guide to learn how to parse DBC files and set the data source to a physical CANBUS wrapper.

In the next tutorial it is shown how continuous queries can be used for analyzing microphone streams.