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Installing SA Engine on Android

SA Engine can be installed on Android in two ways. Either through a guided installation process from within SA Studio or manually by downloading the SA Engine edge app to your Android device.

Install using SA Studio guide

SA Studio contains an interactive guide for installing edge clients on some selected platforms. It will also guide you through how to start the SA Engine edge app and connect SA Engine to your SA Studio instance.

  1. Start SA Studio, either the cloud instance here: If you have an enterprise license you might also have access to SA Studio in your proprietary cloud or on you local machine (ask your system administrator for guidance).

  2. Go to the Devices tab.

  3. Select Get Started in the devices menu.

  4. Click the Android icon.

  5. Follow the instructions.

SA Studio Connect Edge Guide

Install SA Engine manually

SA Engine edge clients are available for download on the download page You must be signed in to access the download page.

  1. Go to

  2. Scan the QR code with your Android device.

  3. Select Install when asked if you want to install the sa.edge application.