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OSQL Syntax

For the syntax we use BNF notation with the following special constructs:

A ::= B C: A consists of B followed by C.
A ::= B | C, alternatively (B | C): A consists of B or C.
A ::= [B]: A consists of B or nothing.
A ::= B-list: A consists of a sequence of one or more Bs.
A ::= B-commalist: A consists of one or more Bs separated by commas.
'xyz': The keyword xyz.

The following statements can be entered to an sa.engine REPL:

statement ::=
create-type-stmt |
delete-type-stmt |
create-object-stmt |
delete-object-stmt |
create-function-stmt |
delete-function-stmt |
query |
update-stmt |
for-each-stmt |
set-session-variable-stmt |
declare-session-variable-stmt |
commit-stmt |
rollback-stmt |
validate-stmt |
quit-stmt |

Identifiers have the syntax:

identifier ::= ('_' | letter) [identifier-character-list]

identifier-character ::= alphanumeric | '_'

Variables have the syntax:

variable ::= local variable | session-variable

local-variable ::= identifier

session-variable ::= ':' identifier

Syntax of session variable declare statements:

session-variable-declare-stmt ::=  'declare' session-variable-declaration-commalist

session-variable-declaration ::= type-spec session-variable

type-spec ::=
type-name |
'Bag of' type-spec | 'Vector of' type-spec | 'Stream of' type-spec

Syntax of session variable assignments:

set-session-variable-stmt ::= 'set' session-variable '=' expression

Syntax of constants:

constant ::=
integer-constant | real-constant | boolean-constant |
string-constant | time-stamp | functional-constant | 'null'

integer-constant ::= ['-'] digit-list

real-constant ::= decimal-constant | scientific-constant

decimal-constant ::= ['-'] digit-list '.' [digit-list]

scientific-constant ::= decimal-constant ['e' | 'E'] integer-constant

boolean-constant ::= 'true' | 'false'

Strings have syntax:

string-constant ::= string-separator character-list string-separator

string-separator ::= ''' | '"'

Syntax of simple values:

simple-value ::= constant | variable

Syntax of expressons:

expression ::=
simple-value | function-call | collection-constr | casting |
key-lookup | '(' query ')' | case-expression

Syntax of collections:

collection-constr ::= bag-constr | vector-constr | record-constr

bag-constr ::= bag(expression-commalist)

vector-constr ::= '[' expression-comma-list ']'

record-constr ::= '{' key-value-comma-list '}'

key-value ::= string-constant ':' expression

Syntax of comments:

comment ::= '/*' character-list '*/'

Syntax of define type:

create-type-stmt ::=
'create type' type-name ['under' type-name-commalist];

type-name ::= identifier

Syntax of delete type:

delete-type-stmt ::= 'delete type' type-name

Syntax of creating objects:

create-object-stmt ::=
'create' type-name ['(' generic-function-name-commalist ')']
'instances' initializer-commalist

generic-func>tion-name ::= identifier

initializer ::= variable | [variable] '(' expression-commalist ')'

Syntax of deleting objects:

delete-object-stmt ::= 'delete' variable

Syntax of queries:

query ::=
select-query |
select-vector-query |
select-stream-query |

Syntax of function calls:

function-call ::=
function-name '(' [parameter-value-commalist] ')' |
expression infix-operator expression |

infix-operator ::=
'+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | '=' | '!=' | 'in' | '^'

parameter-value ::=
expression |
'(' select-query ')' |

tuple-expression ::= '(' expression-commalist ')'

Syntax of case expressions:

case-expression ::=
'case' when-clauses ['else' expression] 'end'

when-clauses ::=
'when' expression 'then' expression [when-clauses]

Syntax of validate statement:

validate-stmt ::=
'validate' string-constant check-clauses

check-clauses ::=
'check' expression '=>' expression [check-clauses]

Syntax of a select query:

select-query ::=
'select' ['distinct']

select-clause ::= expression-commalist

into-clause ::= 'into' variable-commalist

from-clause ::= 'from' variable-declaration-commalist

variable-declaration ::= type-spec local-variable

where-clause ::= 'where' predicate-expression

group-by-clause ::= 'group by' expression-commalist

order-by-clause ::= 'order by' expression ['asc' | 'desc']

limit-clause ::= 'limit' expression

Syntax of predicate expressions:

predicate-expression ::=
predicate-expression 'and' predicate-expression |
predicate-expression 'or' predicate-expression |
'(' predicate-expression ')' |

Syntax of select vector queries:

select-vector-query ::=
'select Vector of' expression

Syntax of select stream queries:

select-query ::=
'select Stream of' expression

Syntax of key lookup:

key-lookup ::= expression '[' expression-commalist ']'

Syntax of defining functions:

create-function-stmt ::= 'create function' function-signature [function-body]

function-signature ::= generic-function-name argument-spec '->' result-spec

argument-spec ::= '(' [argument-declaration-commalist] ')'

argument-declaration ::= type-spec [local-variable] [key-constraint]

key-constraint ::= 'key' | 'nonkey'

result-spec ::= argument-spec | tuple-result-spec

tuple-result-spec ::= ['Bag of'] '(' argument-declaration-commalist ')'

function-body ::=
'as' query |
'as stored' |
procedural-function-definition |

Function names have syntax:

function-name ::= generic-function-name | resolvent-name

resolvent-name ::= type-name-list '.' generic-function-name '->' type-name-list

type-name-list ::= type-name | type-name '.' type-name-list

Castings have the syntax:

casting ::= 'cast' (expression 'as' type-spec)

Delete function syntax:

delete-function-stmt ::= 'delete function' function-name

Syntax of functional constants:

functional-constant ::= '#' string-constant

Syntax of update statements:

update-stmt ::= update-op update-item [from-clause] [where-clause]

update-op ::= 'set' | 'add' | 'remove'

update-item ::= function-name '(' expression-commalist ')' '=' expression

Syntax of procedural statements:

procedural-function-definition ::= block | procedure-stmt

procedure-stmt ::=
create-object-stmt |
delete-object-stmt |
for-each-stmt |
update-stmt |
set-local-variable-stmt |
query |
case-stmt |
commit-stmt |
abort-stmt |
loop-stmt |
while-stmt |
open-stmt |
fetch-stmt |

block ::=
'{' ['declare' variable-declaration-commalist ';']

return-stmt ::= 'return' expression

for-each-stmt ::=
'for each' variable-declaration-commalist

case-stmt ::=
'case' when-statements ['else' statement] 'end'

when-statements ::=
'when' expression 'then' statement [when-statements]

set-local-variable-stmt ::= 'set' local-variable '=' expression

while-stmt ::= 'while' expression 'do' procedure-stmt-semicolonlist 'end while'

loop-stmt ::= 'loop' procedure-stmt-semicolonlist 'end loop'

leave-stmt ::= 'leave'