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sa.engine C++ Interfaces

Stream Analyze Sweden AB


Version 1.1


The C++ API is a thin wrapper interface in C++11 upon the CAPI 2.0 in the namespace sa. All operations are inline definitions. The C interface CAPI is also included. For an overview of concepts, refer to the sa client API documentation and sa plugin API documentation.

To use the C++ API, include either sa_client or sa_core, but not both. The difference is thread safety. Including sa_client will use thread locking and one set of interface functions, while including sa_core will use a simpler and faster set of interface functions but is not safe for multi-threaded use.

Class sa::handle

All objects in sa.engine are referred to through an object handle of the C type ohandle. The handle is wrapped in the class handle, which is used as a base class for managing the life span of an ohandle, and is not intended for direct use. Handles owned by the handle class are automatically released when the handle object goes out of scope.

Handles can be reassigned, copied or moved and are automatically released, as necessary. Use the h() method to get the underlying ohandle, but be careful with it and do not use it to initialize new objects. Use normal assignment operations to get copies.

This class provides some common operations like printing (print), swapping (swap), testing for validity (h.isvalid()), checking the type of the underlying object (e. g. isint()), and throwing sa.engine errors (h.error("message")).

Class sa::object

An instance of the object class represents an object in sa.engine. It can be created with primitive types, which will create a corresponding object in sa.engine. For example:

sa::object a_string{"hello"};

sa::object a_real{3.75};

Creating an object will allocate space in sa.engine and copy the data there. Once the object goes out of scope, the handle is released. If the reference count on the handle reaches zero, the allocated storage in sa.engine will be automatically deallocated.

To retrieve the data from an object, use a getx() function. For example

double d = a_real.getd();

If the underlaying type of the object does not match the get function, an exception of type sa::error will be thrown. The available types for constructing objects and their corresponding getter functions are

C/C++ typessa::type_tgetter
basic integer types; int, uint8_t, short etc.kIntegergeti()
64-bit integer types; long long, uint64_t etc.kIntegergetl()
const char *, std::stringkStringgets()
float, doublekRealgetd()
class tuplekArraygeta()
class recordkRecordgetr()

Binary types

For binary data, there are two flavors available:

bin<T> getbin<T>() // creating a dynamic binary blob

This version will dynamically allocate a smart pointer (bin\<T>) that is automatically destroyed when it goes out of scope, and can be accessed just like a pointer to T or an array of T, depending on the type T. It cannot be copied, like a std::unique_ptr, but it can be moved.

T& getbin(T &obj) // copying to existing variable

The second version takes a reference to an existing object and copies the binary data directly into it. Use this version to get stack allocation of binary data. Both versions of getbin takes an optional size_t& to get the actual size of the binary object.

sa::tuple res = ...;

char buf[128];

a_struct as;

res[0].getbin(buf); // copy binary object to buf

res[1].getbin(as); // copy binary object to as

auto p = res[0].getbin<uint64_t>(); // dynamic allocation with new

if (*p == 0) ... // p behaves like uint64_t\*

auto b = res[1].getbin<a_struct>(); // dynamic allocation with new

if (b->mem == 0) ... // b behaves like a_struct\*

auto a = res[2].getbin\<char[16]\>(); // dynamic allocation with new

if (a[1] == 'x') ... // a behaves like char[]

} // scope exit: p, b and a are deleted automatically

To set an object to a binary value, use either of

setbin(bin<T>) // setting from a binary blob
setbin(const &T) // setting from existing variable

Class sa::tuple

A tuple is, much like the std::tuple, a heterogenous collection of objects and is itself an object. A tuple may be created from primitive types or objects, for example

extern double pi;

sa::tuple tpl{ 1, "a1", a_real, pi };

int width = tpl.size(); // returns 4

The individual elements of a tuple can be accessed using the [] operator, like

tpl[3] = true;

sa::object elem1 = tpl[0];

std::string str{ tpl[1].gets() };

Since a tuple is not a native container, the [] operator does not return a reference to an object, but rather an iterator (tuple::itor), which is conceptually an object. The iterator can also be used in for loops:

for(auto o : tpl) o.print();

This is useful if the tuple happens to represent a homogenous array of numbers, a vector.

Class sa::record

A record is a key-value mapping, where the key is a string. The interface is similar to the tuple interface, except that the [] operator takes a string (const char*):

sa::record rec{ {"key1", a_real}, {"key2", tpl} };

rec["key3"] = "the string"; // add new pair to record

double k = rec["key1"].getd(); // get the value indexed by "key1"

Class sa::connection

A connection is used to send commands and queries to sa.engine. Before a connection can be created, an embedded sa.engine must be initialized using

sa::engine_init() // default parameters gives default settings

After this call, a connection can be created with either of (for details, see the sa client API documentation):

sa::connection c(""); // embedded connection

sa::connection c("peer"); // local connection

sa::connection c("peer@host"); // remote connection

Once the connection is created, queries and commands can be sent:

sa::tuple res = s.runquery("sqrt(3)");

res = s.runcall("sqrt", sa::tuple{3.0});

sa::stream s = c.query("range(1,3)");

Class sa::stream

The result of a connection query or call is a sa::stream. The stream can either be run() to get the return value directly in a tuple, or mapped to a callback function for streaming data. For example

sa::tuple res =; // returns a tuple {3} for "range(1,3)"

int sum = 0;[&sum](const tuple_view &t) { // lambda to compute a sum

sum += t[0].geti(); return true;


// sum will be 6 for the query "range(1,3)"

The callback function should return true to keep the data coming, or false to stop the stream. The parameter type tuple_view is a variant on tuple that does not take ownership of the tuple. It is used for callback parameters.

There are several flavors of the map callback. The one showed in the previous example is a capturing lambda expression. Of course, any function or functor matching the signature bool(const tuple_view) will do, not only lambda expressions. There is also a templated type-safe non-capturing version that would look like this:

int sum = 0;<int>(sum, [](const tuple_view &t, int &s) {

s += t[0].geti(); return true;


Notice that the types of the first parameter to map and the second parameter of the callback have the same base type as the map template type. Non-capturing lambdas has the advantage that they are convertible to normal function pointers.

There is also the possibility to use a static C function for the callback, like this:

ohandle cb(sa_tuple tpl, void *x) {
sa::tuple_view t{tpl}; // remember to use tuple_view for callbacks
int *sum = (int*)x;
*sum += t[0].geti(); // may throw if not an integer
return true; // return true to continue the stream


int sum = 0;, cb);

Notice that the first parameter of the callback is a raw C ohandle in disguise that must not be freed. This is the purpose of using tuple_view to get the tuple contents. Using static C functions as callbacks relies on C-style casts and is not type safe and is therefore not recommended for general use.

To run stream::map() with a class member function, use a static C function or a lambda expression to redirect the callbacks to the class like this:

class A {

void do_it(int i) { ... }

} a;

static int a_cb(sa_tuple tpl, void \*x) {
A* a = (A*)x;
sa::tuple_view t{tpl};
return TRUE;
// ..., a_cb); // map with static C callback
// ... or map with non-capturing type safe lambda:<A>(a, [](const sa::tuple_view t, A &a) {
a.do_it(t[0].geti()); return true;
// ... or map with capturing lambda:[&a](sa::tuple_view t) { a.do_it(t[0].geti()); return true; });

Class sa::callcontext

Foreign functions in C++ are declared as

ohandle my_function(sa::callcontext cc)

The call context cc can be used to extract arguments, set unbound variables, and to emit data to the system. For example

ohandle my_function(sa::callcontext cc) {
try {
double arg1 = cc[1].getd(); // get first argument
int arg2 = cc[2].geti(); // get second argument
cc[3] = pow(arg1, arg2); // bind a value to unbound arg
cc.emit(); // emit the return value

catch (sa::error&) {}
return nil;

Observe that the indexing of arguments and unbound return values starts at 1. If an argument is not available, or it is not of the expected type, or element [0] is accessed, an sa::error exception will be thrown.

Call contexts receiving a stream can use a map function much like sa::stream does, and has the same syntax except for the function signature, which for a C function is

ohandle callback(a_callcontext cxt, int width, ohandle o[], void *xa);

Using lambda expressions, use for example

double sum = 0.0;
cc[1].map([&sum](int len, const object_view o[]) {
if (len > 0) { double x = o[0].getd(); sum += x*x; }


That’s all, folks!

Interface implementation for things semantically an object

type_t type()Yes2YesYesYes
= (int)Yes1YesYes4Yes4
= (int64_t)Yes1YesYes4Yes4
= (float)Yes1YesYes4Yes4
= (double)Yes1YesYes4Yes4
= (const char*)Yes1YesYes4Yes4
= (const string&)Yes1YesYes4Yes4
= boolYes1YesYes4Yes4
= objectYes3YesYesYes (const&)
= recordYes3YesYesYes (const&)
= tupleYes3YesYesYes (const&)
operator object()YesYesYes
op = bin\<T>Yes1YesYesYes
bin\<T> getbinYesYesYesYes
setbin(const \&T)YesYesYesYes

1 implemented through ctor

2 implemented in base class handle

3 implemented through taking handle

4 implemented through taking object