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Configure nameservers

This page uses Studio code blocks so you can run the examples directly in the browser. You only need to sign up for SA Studio (it's free). Once you have done that you can execute the code blocks on this page.

When setting up a real federation with SA Engine the basic configurations will only get you so far. In this section we will go through how you can configure the following settings.

  • Hostname
  • IP addresses
  • TLS
  • Connect configurations

Configure hostname of server​

By default SA Engine takes the hostname of the host computer as it's hostname. In many cases it is desirable to set this to a DNS name or similar. This can either be done by setting the environment variable SA_HOSTNAME to the desired hostname or by calling my_hostname(Charstring host);:


IP addresses​

A nameserver or server can sometimes be reached over different networks from different peers. To handle this a server and nameserver always locates all of it's local IP-addresses on it's own interfaces and registers these in the federation. However, this will never work for computers that are behind NAT-walls or similar firewall rules. To make an SA Engine server (or nameserver) reachable behind a NAT-wall you can add a pairs (Charstring host, Integer port) to the stored function server_addrs():

add server_addrs() = ("MY_CUSTOM_HOSTNAME", 34524);

You can also populate the environment variable SA_ADDRS with a comma separated list of host:port strings.

To check a configuration you can call the function get_all_addrs(), it will give you all (address,port) pairs in server_addrs together with all address:port pairs in SA_ADDRS and also all of the addresses the server has in their local network.

Not connected

To run this code block you must be logged in and your studio instance must be started.


When troubleshooting issues with connecting to the federation a good starting point is to check get_all_addrs() on all peers and make sure that there is an IP/hostname that is reachable from the client to the server.

Secure sockets (TLS)​

SA Engine uses ARM Mbed TLS for securing the transport layer. In SA Engine all peers must have a signed certificate from a common Certificate Authority. The server certificate should have it's common name set to it's peer name.

In this section we will assume that you have acquired/generated the following.

  • 1 private RSA key (1024-bits or longer) - private.key
  • 1 certificate authority certificate which was used to sign the certificate - ca.crt
  • 1 certificate which was signed by the certificate authority - cert.crt

To configure an SA Engine to enable TLS use the function enable_security():


All SA Engines (both nameserver, stream servers, clients and edges) in a federation must have certificates signed by the same certificate authority.

After calling enable_security all socket operations will default to TLS operations. You have now enabled the physical security.

Connect configurations​

Since there are many parameters to set which might be hard to get correctly set up the SA Engine nameserver can be used to generate valid configuration records for connecting peers, edges, and, clients to the federation. If you have connected an edge device to SA Studio via the device hub (see Connect using SA Studio) you have already used these configuration records to connect SA Engines to a federation.


When a nameserver starts listening it will create a file federation.localhost (unless configured not to) and put it under sa_home():

Not connected

To run this code block you must be logged in and your studio instance must be started.

This file contains a base64-encoded JSON-string with the information needed to connect to the nameservers federation:

select pp(rec)
from Record rec, Charstring base64_blob
where base64_blob = read_file(sa_home()+"federation.localhost")
and rec = json:unstringify(base64_decode(base64_blob));
Not connected

To run this code block you must be logged in and your studio instance must be started.


when running this on SA Studio you will get a huge record with IP-addresses, certificates, and keys to connect to the federation.

The content of federation.localhost is a specialization of the output from get_connect_config:


The config blob is a base64-encoded JSON-string of the connection record. The output of the functions above can be used as input the connect_using functions:


There is an optional key ip-getter which can be set in the connect configuration. If ip-getter is set to a valid http(s) address an edge device will send a GET request to the given URL. The response from the request must be a JSON-array with [String host, Integer port]. This host and port pair will be added to the tried addresses when connecting to a federation.