OSQL Testing
OSQL support unit testing through the validate
statement. It
contains a description and one or more check
For example, let's define a function prime
that takes a number as
input and return true if it is a prime:
create function prime(Integer n) -> boolean
as select true where notany(select d
from Integer d
where d in range(2,floor(sqrt(n)))
and 0 = mod(n,d));
Now we can test that we get the expected return for various parameters with a validate statement:
validate "my prime"
check prime(0) => true
check prime(13) => true
check prime(4) => null
check prime(20) => null
check prime(31) => true;
Try changing the statement so that it fails.
Validating streams
When working with streams, the functions vectorof(Stream b)->Vector
and extract(Stream s)->Bag
are useful for converting the finite
stream elements into vectors or bags, respectively. For example,
consider a function that returns a stream of sliding windows over
stream s
create function slider(Stream s) -> stream of Vector
as winagg(s,1,5);
The following statement validates the output from slider
on finite
streams of integers converted to vectors:
validate "slider with vectorof"
check vectorof(slider(diota(0,1,10))) =>
The following converts the streams to bags instead of vectors:
validate "slider with extract"
check extract(slider(diota(0,1,10))) => bag([1],[6])
check extract(slider(diota(0,1,10))) => bag([6],[1]);
A vector is an ordered sequence of objects while a bag is an unordered
collection. This makes vectorof
the preferred choice for testing
stream output where the order is known. If the order is
undeterministic, as may be the case with pivot streams, use extract
The inverse of extract
is streamof(Bag b)->Stream
. The inverse of
if vstream(Stream s)->Vector
For infinite real-time streams, a useful function is timeout
runs a stream a specified number of seconds.
This allows to convert an infinite stream to a finite stream for real-time validation:
validate "heartbeat"
check count(extract(timeout(heartbeat(1),2.5))) =>
Other useful testing functions
For more complex tests where the output is large, it can be useful to store the testdata in a CSV or JSON file.
Setting up or running a test may also involve populating database
tables. Tables can be cleared by SQL's delete from mytable
deletes all rows in mytable
The system function time_function
can be used to compare the
performance of different implementations. However, since external
factors influence execution times, it must be interpreted with
care. Try running time_function on the prime function a couple of
times. Note that time_functions prints the total time to the console
but returns the average time. It is the average time that is shown
time_function("Running prime(9856323)","prime",[9856323],100000);
When it is not possible to wait for a certain input, the sleep(Number
is an option.