Queries over infinite streams
One important feature of the OSQL language is to enable processing functions and filters over streams. A stream is a possibly infinite sequence of objects. It often grows continuously over time at some pace.
Continuous queries
The function heartbeat(pace)
returns a stream of numbers
representing the time elapsed from its start every pace
The query is an example of a continuous query (CQ) since it continuously produces an infinite stream of results until you explicitly stop it by pressing the stop button.
The following CQ returns a continuous sine wave if visualized as a line plot:
//plot: Line plot
select sin(10*x)
from Number x
where x in heartbeat(0.05)
The same query can also be expressed as:
//plot: Line plot
is a stream generator, i.e. a function that
returns a stream as an object. The in
operator extracts the elements
from a stream. If a simple function like sin
or operator like *
applied on a stream generator it will be applied on each element of
the stream thus generating a transformed stream as in the example.
You can stop an infinite CQ by specifying a limit
in a select query,
for example:
select sin(10*heartbeat(0.05)) limit 5
The query optimizer also allows applying functions on entire streams, for example:
//plot: Line plot
select sin(s)
from Stream of Number s
where s=10*heartbeat(.01)
can also be expressed as:
//plot: Line plot
Synthetic streams
The built-in library of trigonometric functions is very useful for
generating synthetic streams. For example, the function
simstream(Number pace)
returns a simulated stream of numbers with
given pace
//plot: Line plot
It is defined as simsig(heartbeat(pace))
, thus calling the function
each x
seconds after its start at the given pace
. This
is an example of how to generate a synthetic stream.
Inspect the definitions of simstream()
and simsig()
to see how they are defined.
The function ts_simstream(pace)
produces a stream of numbers where
each element is time stamped with the wall time when it was
produced. This is called a , a time stamped stream.
//plot: Line plot
Notice that the X-labels indicate the times when each element was produced. If you wait a while you will see how the stream start scrolling to the left.
Time stamped streams can be defined by adding time stamps to the
elements x
of a stream's result by calling the function ts(x)
. For
example, the following query returns the same timestamped simulated
stream of numbers as ts_simstream(0.01)
//plot: Line plot
select Stream of ts(x)
from Number x
where x in simstream(0.01)
The function ts(x)
returns a time stamped object
having the value x
(see Time).
Visualize the four first elements of the time stamped stream as text.
The function sample_stream(x, pace)
returns an infinite stream of
the expression x
evaluated every pace
seconds, for example:
sample_stream("Hello stream",1)
The following CQ returns a visualized stream of time stamped random numbers:
//plot: Line plot
Stream filters
CQs can be defined that filter out stream elements fulfilling user
defined conditions using a select Stream of
query. For example,
the following CQ filters out the stream elements of simstream(0.1)
larger than 0.7 visualized as a line plot:
//plot: Line plot
select Stream of x
from Number x
where x in simstream(0.01)
and x > 0.7
The CQ generates a new stream of the selected stream elements. Notice
how the result stream pauses (slows down) when when elements less than
0.7 are produced by simstream(0.01)
Stream windows
The CQ examples we have seen so far generate infinite streams of single values (strings or numbers). However, it is often necessary to operate on streams of finite sections of the latest elements of a stream, called stream windows, e.g. a stream of the latest 10 elements in an infinite stream. In OSQL windows are represented as vectors. There are several built-in functions in sa.engine for forming such streams of windows.
Forming windows with winagg
Try this CQ visualized as Bar plot
//plot: Bar plot
It produces a stream of vectors (i.e. windows) by collecting into the
vectors 10 elements at the time from the stream
Visualize the four first elements of the stream as text.
Since heartbeat(0.1)
produces a number 10 times per second and the
windows contain 10 elements, the result from the expression is a
stream of vectors produced once per second, i.e. with pace 1 HZ.
Tumbling and sliding windows
In general the function winagg(s, size, stride)
forms a stream of
windows of given size
over a stream s
. The third parameter
defines the how many stream elements the window moves forward
over the stream, called its stride. In our example above the size
and the stride are both 10, meaning that once a window of 10 elements
is produced a new one is started to be formed. This is called a
tumbling window.
If the stride is smaller than the size, new overlapping windows will be produced more often. This is called a sliding window.
//plot: Bar plot
Moving average
A common way to reduce noisy signals is to form the moving average
of sliding windows over a stream of measurements by computing the
average avg(w)
for each window w
//plot: Line plot
As an alternative, try using median()
instead of avg()
Often CQs are defined over windows of elements. For example, this CQ
returns the moving averages larger than 0.7 of windows of
//plot: Line plot
select Stream of x
from Number x
where x in avg(winagg(simstream(0.01),5,5))
and x > 0.7
Here you will notice rather long pauses.
Temporal windows
The following query produces a stream of time stamped sliding windows each having 10 elements with 50% overlap.
Visualize the three first elements of the time stamped stream as line plot, bar plot, and text.
The kind of windows discussed so far are called counting windows in that they produce window vectors based on counting the incoming stream elements. This is a very efficient and simple method to form windows, e.g. for continuously computing statistics over windows of arriving data, as the moving average above. It works particular well if the elements arrive at a constant pace.
However, if the elements arrive irregularly one may need to form
temporal windows whose sizes are based on elements arriving during a
time period rather than on the number of arriving elements. Temporal
windows are formed with the OSQL function twinagg(ts, size, Stride)
that takes a timestamped stream of objects as input and produces a
time stamped stream of vectors of objects as result. The parameters
and 'stride' are here measured in seconds rather than number of
elements as winagg()
For example:
select tv
from Timeval of Vector of Number tv
where tv in twinagg(ts_simstream(0.01),0.5,0.5)
The following query computes the mean and median of simstream with pace 100HZ each 1/2 second:
//plot: Line plot
select avg(v), median(v)
from Timeval of Vector of Number tv, Vector of Number v
where tv in twinagg(ts_simstream(0.01),0.5,0.5)
and v = value(tv)
Notice that you can apply any Vector function on
For more on windows over stream sea Windowing.
The next part of the tutorial shows how to make queries over many streams.
Visualizing streams
We show how to use Multi plot for flexible stream visualization.
You can prefix a stream query with a JSON record specifying how to visualize the result. For example, the following query is visualized by a sliding line plot over the latest 200 values:
//plot: Multi plot
{'sa_plot': 'Line plot', 'memory': 200};
select [sin(x), cos(x)]
from Number x
where x in 10*heartbeat(.02)
Trigonometric functions lend themselves to algebraic manipulation over streams, like this amplitude modulation example:
//plot: Multi plot
{'sa_plot': 'Line plot', 'memory': 200};
select [sin(x)*sin(x/30), cos(x)*cos(x/30)]
from Number x
where x in 20*heartbeat(.01)
which is more appealing in parametric coordinates (scatter plot):
//plot: Multi plot
{'sa_plot': 'Scatter plot', 'memory': 1000};
select [sin(x)*sin(x/30), cos(x)*cos(x/30)]
from Number x
where x in 10*heartbeat(.005)
Type extent and the solution domain
Every type t
has an extent(t)
being the set of all objects of type
. For example, the extent of the type Integer
is "all integers
from negative infinity to positive infinity", or .
A select statement first forms the Cartesian
product of the
extents of all variables in the from
clause, called the solution
domain. The where
clause then specifies conditions limiting the
emitted result to a subset of the solution domain.
For example, consider the select statement below. It forms a Cartesian
product of the extent of i
, which is the set of all possible
integers, with the extent of s
, which is the set of all possible
strings. The where
clause has two conditions. One that limits i
the set , and one that limits s
to the set
. This restricts the result to the Cartesian product
of and .
select i, s
from Integer i, Charstring s
where i in bag(1,2,3)
and s in bag("a","b","c");
Running the above query gives the following result:
The figure below illustrates how the extents span the solution domain,
and how the result is produced as the Cartesian product of the two
extents limited by the conditions in the where

We can limit the solution further by imposing additional conditions in the where clause, like this:
select i, s
from Integer i, Charstring s
where i in bag(1,2,3)
and s in bag("a","b","c")
and i > 2;
Running the above query gives the following result:
This time the subset of the solution space is further limited due to
the extra condition on i
and now looks like this:

For a Stream query, let's consider
binding variables to infinite subsets in the solution domain. We can
do this by using streams that never end. For example, heartbeat()
generates a stream of seconds emitted at a given pace. This stream is
infinite since time has no end. The select statement below tries to
combine two such streams, but as we will see, taking the Cartesian
product between two infinite sets will not work. Try running the
select s1, s2
from Number s1, Number s2
where s1 in heartbeat(1)
and s2 in heartbeat(1);
The result should be:
We see that the first stream never increases because the second stream (which is evaluated first) never finishes. The figure below illustrates how the Cartesian product "travels" through the solution domain:

To combine infinite streams you must instead use the pivot()
function. It combines the outputs of multiple streams into one vector
and outputs a new vector each time one of the streams emits a
result. The query below combines the streams from the previous example
into a single stream:
select v
from Stream of Number s1, Stream of Number s2, Vector v
where s1 = heartbeat(1)
and s2 = heartbeat(1)
and v in pivot([s1,s2]);
The result should be:
As you see, this query will continue to infinity but include the values from both streams. If we look at the subset emitted from the solution domain, we see that the query "travels" diagonally through the solution domain:

select i
from Integer i, Vector v
where v = [4,3,9,1,9,5]
and v[i] = max(v);