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OSQL extends SQL seamlessly with functions that compute results for given arguments. For example, there is a large library of mathematical functions built into the system and new computational functions can easily be defined. Each SA Engine system has an internal main-memory database where the functions' definitions are stored.

The simplest kind of query is to call some built-in function.



Run the function by clicking the play button play_circle

Documentation of functions and other SA Engine artifacts are stored in the database as well. You can query the database about the documentation of a function fn by calling doc('fn'). It returns the documentation of a function as a string.



You can edit the examples in the tutorial. Try changing sin to tan.

You can enter several OSQL statements by separating them with a ;.



If you don't know exactly the name of a function you can also pass a string pattern to doc() to return all functions matching the string pattern in their names. In a string pattern a % matches any sequence of characters while a _ matches a single character.



Functions may return sets of values. In the example it returned two different documentation strings.

The function sourcecode('fn') where fn can be a function name or a string pattern returns the definitions of the matching functions.



The first line of a source code string contains the signature of the function. It is a string denoting the function's arguments and results. You can get just the signature of function or string pattern fn by calling the system function signature(fn).



Functions may have different definitions depending on the types of their arguments. Such functions are said to be overloaded on their types. Overloaded function have several signatures.



Some functions have corresponding infix operators. For example, the function plus has the infix operator + so the queries 1+2 and plus(1,2) both return the value 3.

You can call signature(op) to get the signature of infix operators too.



The following function call returns the version of SA Engine you are running:


Visit Documentation functions for a list of functions used for documenting the system.

Basic math functions are listed in Math.

Session variables

During sessions with SA Engine it is often practical to temporarily save values of expressions in session variables prefixed with : by using the set statement, e.g.:

set :pi = 3.14



The session variable :pi is first assigned the value of 3.14 and then used twice in a computation.


Session variables are not stored in the local database and disappear when you exit SA Engine. Use database tables to save data in the local database, as explained next.

Database tables

Numbers and other objects used in analysis models can be saved in database tables. Database tables are maintained and queried by SQL statements. OSQL is a seamless extension of SQL with functions, mathematical objects, and data streams.

Tables are created by the create table statement.


create table Constants(name   Charstring,
value Real,
unique (name))

The above statement creates a table called Constants having two columns, where values in column name are strings and column value stores floating point numbers. The keyword unique specifies that the values of column name are different in all table rows.


The create table syntax of SQL is more elaborate. For example, strings need not have maximum lengths in OSQL.

Tables are populated using SQL's insert into statement.


insert into Constants values('pi',     3.14),
('e', 2.71),
('freeze', 0.0),
('boil', 100.0)

A populated table can be queried by SQL's select statement.


select * from Constants
select value from Constants where name = 'pi'
select sin(value/2)*cos(value) from Constants where name = 'pi'

Tables can be updated using SQL's update statement.


update Constants set value=asin(1)*2 where name = 'pi'
update Constants set value=exp(1) where name = 'e'
select * from Constants

The SQL Tutorial explains the basic SQL functionality in SA Engine. You can skip that tutorial if you are already familiar with SQL.

Defining functions

Analysis models are defined in terms of a number of OSQL functions. You can define your own OSQL functions by the create function statement.


The following function converts Celsius degrees to Fahrenheit:

create function ctof(Real c) -> Real
/* Convert a Celsius degree `c` to Fahrenheit */
as c * 9 / 5 + 32

OSQL functions are stored in the local database inside SA Engine.

Let's test ctof:


You can use your OSQL functions in queries, e.g.

select ctof(value) from Constants where name = 'boil'

You can also create functions defined by queries.


create function constant(Charstring c) -> Number
as select value from Constants where name = c

Test it:


In the example the variables value and name refer to columns in the table Constants, while the variable c is the function's argument.

Undo changes

The system logs your changes. This means that SA Engine user can undo all definitions in a session by the command rollback.


First define a simple function:

create function myadd(Integer i)->Integer as i+1;

If we issue the command rollback the function will no longer be defined:


This is very practical when building models since buggy models definitions can easily be undone by executing rollback and then re-enter corrected model code.

You can make a save point by executing the command commit. The next rollback will stop at the commit.


create function myadd(Integer i)->Integer as i+1;;

In the tutorial, all changes will be undone if you refresh the web browser. Also committed data will disappear. In Saving data permanently it is explained how to save the database in a file.

Temporal functions

The built-in function local_time() returns the current wall time as an ISO time stamp.



While local_time returns the current wall time as an ISO time stamp string, the function now() returns the wall time as a time point, which is an object of type Timeval that internally represents the number of microseconds since new year 1970.



The function ts(Object o)->Timeval returns a time stamped object, which associates the current wall time point with o also using the type Timeval. The object associated with a time stamped object tv is accessed by the function value(Timeval tv)->Object, while the function timestamp(Timeval tv)->Timeval returns the time point itself.


set :ts = ts(1);

For more about functions over time visit Time in the reference documentation.


So far the function calls were made over single values. The data type Vector represents finite sequences of objects with the usual [...] notation.

Examples of vectors:

A vector of four integers:


A vector of two vectors:


A vector of a string and a number:


Vector operators and functions

As for numbers there is a built-in library of vector operators and functions. The mathematical operators +,-,*,/,^ can be used for whole vectors or mixes of vectors and scalar values. A dot (.) in front of an operator indicates element-wise application of it on each element of the vectors.


Vector addition:


Change visualization of the vectors to Bar plot by adding //plot: Bar plot before the query.

Element wise vector multiplication:

[1, 2, 3, 4] .* [5, 6, 7, 8]

Combining vectors and scalars.


The sum of vector elements:

sum([1, 2, 3, 4])

The average of vector elements:

avg([1, 2, 3, 4])

The standard deviation of elements:

stdev([1, 2, 3, 4])

The median of the elements:

median([1, 4, 2, 3])

The largest or smallest elements:

max([1, 4, 2, 3]);
min([1, 4, 2, 3]);

The number of elements in a vector;

dim([1, 3, 2])

The general Minkowski distance function minkowski(v,w,r) is also built-in. The following examples shows different kinds of distances expressed in terms of minkowski(v,w,r).


Manhattan distance (L1L_1):

minkowski([1,2],[3,4], 1)

Euclidean distance (L2L_2):

minkowski([1,2],[3,4], 2)

Chebyshev distance (LinftyL_{infty}):

minkowski([1,2],[3,4], +inf)

Go to Vectors in the reference documentation for documentation of vectors.

User defined vector functions

Often vectors are used in function definitions.

Example: The following function computes the Euclidean distance between vector v and w:

create function dist(Vector v, Vector w) -> Real
/* Compute the Euclidean distance between `v` and `w` */
as sqrt(sum((v - w) .^ 2))



The built-in function euclid(v,w) does the same.


An array is a multi-dimensional cube of numbers. It is represented by type Array. Arrays can be created with the function array(Vector data)->Array, where the (nested) vector data contains its numerical elements.

The number of dimensions of an array is called its rank and returned by the function rank(Array a)->Integer. Arrays with rank one (1D arrays) are called numerical vectors, arrays with rank two are called matrices, and arrays with higher dimension than two are called tensors.


A numerical vector:


A matrix:


The representation of numerical data using arrays is much more efficient than using objects of type Vector.

Array format

The elements of an array have a format, which specifies their binary representations in memory. For example, elements of type Integer are represented as 64-bits integers having the format I64, and type Real has the format F64. The first argument of the function array(Charstring fmt,Vector data)->Array specifies the elements' format.


This call creates a 1-dimensional array of 16-bit integers:


When called with one argument, array(Vector data)->Array the element format will be the most general type in data, where real numbers are considered more general than integers,



Array shape

An array also has a shape being a vector of the number of elements in each of its dimensions. The shape is computed by the function shape(Array a)->Vector of Integer.



Array operators and functions

As for vectors there is a built in library of array functions and operators.


Numerical vector addition:

array([1, 2, 3, 4]) + array([5, 6, 7, 8])

The total sum of array elements:

sum(array([1, 2, 3, 4]))
sum(array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]))

Array addition:

array([[1,2],[3,4]]) + array([[2,3],[6,7]])

Element-wise multiplication:

array([[1,2],[3,4]]) .* array([[2,3],[6,7]])

The function dot(Array u, Array v)->Number computes the scalar product of the elements in arrays u and v of any shape.



The function matmul(Array a, Array b)->Array computes the array multiplication of matrices a and b.



Visit Arrays and tensors for a detailed description of arrays.

The Fast Fourier Transform

The function rfft(a) computes the real number Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) over a one-dimensional array of real numbers.


rfft(array([1.0, 2, 3, 4]))

You can also apply rfft() on vectors of numbers, even though this is much slower as it will convert the vector to an array. For example:

rfft([1.0, 2, 3, 4])

The inverse real FFT is computed with irfft(a).


irfft(rfft(array([1.0, 2, 3, 4])))

The later tutorial section Querying the microphone shows how user-defined functions over vectors and FFT can be used for filtering audio streams in real-time.

Sets and bags

Functions can also produce sets of objects where the order is not guaranteed as with vectors. For example, the function range(n) returns the set of numbers from 1 up to n.



Here range(10) produces the set of all integers from 1 to 10.



The function call range(200)returns a set of numbers. A function applied on a set is called for each element of the set as in the example, where the sine function is applied one each element in the set of all integers from 1 to 200.


Applying other functions, such as sin(x) on a set means that the function is applied on each element of the set.


Try visualizing the result as a line plot by inserting the row //plot: Line plot before the query!

In general sets in OSQL may contain duplicates.



The term bag is used rather than set to indicate sets with possible duplicates.


Apply sin(x) on the result of floor and visualize by line plot!

Explicit bags can be create as using the bag(e1,e2,...,en)bag(e_1,e_2,...,e_n) notation, for example:


set :mybag = bag(1,2,2,3)

Use variable:


As for vectors and arrays, aggregate functions over bags are applied on entire bags, rather than on each element of the bag.


Sum the elements of a bag of mumbers:


Aggregate functions over bags can be used in SQL queries, e.g.

select sum(value) from Constants

See Aggregate functions in the reference documentation for more on aggregate functions.

Boolean and null values

The constant null is used to represent unknown or missing values. For example, the last element of the vector [1,2,null] is unknown.

A Boolean null value is regarded as false. Thus, the query 2<1 returns null, while 2>1 return true. The only object of type Boolean is thus true. The constant false is defined as null casted to a Boolean.

null values in bags are regarded as missing values that are ignored by aggregate functions.

Passing null as argument in a function call will return null without calling the function. For example:


An OSQL query variable bound to the value null is regarded as unbound and therefore null cannot be regraded as a regular value. Instead, to test that an expression x is null, use the notany(x) function that returns true if x is null.

Often it is practical to use a default value instead of null. For this the coalesce(x1,x2,...,dlft)coalesce(x_1,x_2,...,dlft) expression can be used. It returns the first xix_i not being null and dlft if all x1,x2,...x_1,x_2,... are null.

For example:


To replace all nulls in a vector use whennull(Vector v, Object dflt)->Vector.

For example:
