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SA Engine basics

To analyze streaming data interactively on a very high and user-oriented level, SA Engine allows analysts and engineers to develop computations, filters and transformations over data using an extended subset of the query language SQL called OSQL (Object Stream Query Language). The extensions provide primitives for defining numerical models over streaming data by functions, numerical objects and data streams. A model is a set of definitions of mathematical functions, filters, and other computations over streams of measurements.

The user need not worry about details on how to efficiently implement analysis programs. Instead, an advanced query optimizer together with a dynamic compiler generates highly optimized native binary code for the devices on-the-fly.

This tutorial gradually introduces how to use OSQL for various common modelling tasks. The tutorial is based on immediate evaluation and visualization of code snippets directly inside your web browser to understand the outcomes of the evaluations.

The immediate evaluation is made possible by running SA Engine inside your web browser using Web Assembly.